Municipal Forestry, Tree Activities, and Management in the United States: A 2014 Urban & Community Forestry Census of the United States — International Society of Arboriculture

Municipal Forestry, Tree Activities, and Management in the United States: A 2014 Urban & Community Forestry Census of the United States (#22)

Richard Hauer 1 , Ward Peterson 2
  1. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI, United States
  2. Davey Resource Group, Kent, Ohio

It’s been 20 years since the last update of the Municipal Forestry, Tree Activities, and Management in the United States occurred.  This talk will provide the latest baseline status through an Urban Forest Census on how communities manage trees in the United States.  Over 1750 communities were asked to participate to assess urban forest programs, operations, budgets, management, activities, and policies for municipalities in the United States. The study will illustrate the current capacity to manage urban forest populations.  It closes a 20 year gap since the last assessment of municipal urban and community forestry programs last done in 1993.  Thus, the Urban Forest Trend Analysis will describe any discernible patterns that occur for communities between 2014 and 1993.  The project also carries on the seminal work first done in 1974 and repeated in 1980 and 1986. This gives a 40 year longitudinal analysis of community tree management. The involvement of public workers, private contractors, and volunteers in tree management is explored.  Thus, this presentation will provide the latest in the current and long-term examination of urban and community forestry management in the United States.
