Mega Data and Predictive Modeling in the Effective Application of Utility Vegetation Management Resources — International Society of Arboriculture

Mega Data and Predictive Modeling in the Effective Application of Utility Vegetation Management Resources (#UAA 3)

J. M. Sparkman 1
  1. Environmental Consultants, Inc., Stoughton, WI, United States

There has been an evolution from pure cycle-based Utility Vegetation Management (UVM) programs toward more data intensive management strategies. An understanding of what global data is available and how it can be used to maximize program efficiencies however, is still unclear. From geospatial, weather, fire risk, and socio-economic data to utility-specific facility design, outage, and customer data, a wide variety of data inputs are available today that are often untapped resources in the implementation of UVM program strategies. This “mega data” challenges the industry to broaden our understanding of the relationships between trees and wires and under what conditions trees are likely to cause outages.

This presentation focuses on how this mega data may be used to model outage risk and how UVM programs may effectively incorporate this knowledge in the application of resources to help maximize program benefits including cost savings, reliability contributions, wildfire prevention, and public/worker safety.