Mark Duntemann
Duntemann Urban Forestry, VT, United States

Mark founded Natural Path Urban Forestry Consultants in 1988. The firm’s area of expertise is arboricultural maintenance and management policy development, with an emphasis on tree risk assessments and tree risk management. Through this specialization, Mark has been an expert witness in dozens of tree-related injury and fatality cases. This experience informs his understanding of tree risk issues. Besides North America, his experiences have included work in Europe, South America and Asia. Mark has a Bachelor’s of Science in Forest Resources from the University of Montana and a Master’s in Urban Forestry from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Mark is an ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist, an ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification instructor. He represents the ISA on the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers and in that position is a coauthor of the 10th edition of Tree and Landscape Appraisal Guide.
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Determining Tree Risk Thresholds Within Arboriculture (#24)
1:00 PM
Mark Duntemann
Tree Risk Assessment