Citizen Science as a Useful Tool for Urban Tree Inventory — International Society of Arboriculture

Citizen Science as a Useful Tool for Urban Tree Inventory (#AREA 01D)

Elin Svensson 1
  1. SLU, the Swedish University, Malmö, SWEDEN, Sweden
Citizen science is a concept that involves the science world are taking the help of the public for a long time volunteer work to record observations about various scientific processes. In this way, large amounts of information about biological values collected, and participants receive in an educational way deeper understanding of the project's meaning. Today there are several active associations linked to citizen science throughout the world. For example, organizations that collect facts about birds, their nests, eggs, chicks and breeding sites and insert this information into a computer system accessible to the public via a website. Nowadays, we see an increasing need to authorities and administrations want to create a better understanding of the biological values that trees bring. A tool in this work is well done and useful inventory. Citizens Research has becoming increasingly used in botany and tree inventories can in this way be a great resource for trees managers in the future.