Pssst, It’s all Single Line Technique! But is the Climbing Line moving or stationary? — International Society of Arboriculture

Pssst, It’s all Single Line Technique! But is the Climbing Line moving or stationary? (#CC 05)

Rip Tompkins 1
  1. ArborMaster, Little Compton, RI, United States

Modern tree climbing techniques and equipment have been steadily evolving since the early 1990’s. This is probably truer today more so than ever. ISA’s Tree Climbing Competitions have been one of the major catalysts for innovation and creativity as climbers from all around the world interact and compete against one another. That coupled with the growth of the internet and smart technology has greatly accelerated the exchange of information amongst climbers everywhere.

  Unfortunately, when things change so fast, terminology can often be very confusing. In this presentation we will attempt to clarify some of the confusion, especially around the use of the term ‘Single Line Technique’ as well as look at some of the pros and cons of modern tree climbing systems.
