Should I Be On Cycle? — International Society of Arboriculture

Should I Be On Cycle? (#UAA 2)

Geoffrey Kempter 1
  1. Asplundh, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

For most of us, being “on cycle” has always been the ideal: if utility vegetation management program is on cycle, the budget and workforce is more stable, customers know what to expect, tree problems are reduced, and everyone is happier.  But we also know that line priority varies according to voltage, construction, fusing, customers served and other factors. Additionally, tree growth rates vary, droughts and excess rainfall affect growth and mortality from year to year, storm frequency and intensity vary, EAB and other insects and diseases are ravaging huge tracts of forest, and budgets can be increased or cut for many reasons other than the condition of the trees. Given all of these variables, can a defined cycle be systematically applied at all, or is another approach warranted?  This presentation explores how we must adapt our programs to real world variables, and demonstrates the importance of communicating the benefits of comprehensive vegetation management to decision makers.   
